Tuesday, March 2

Here We Go

Is this really happening?  In 14 days JT will be admitted to Childrens Healthcare of Atlanta for a bone marrow transplant.  I am creating this blog to keep you up to date on his progress.  Give me a few days to set this up and learn my way around this program, I'm new at this.


  1. Site looks promising, Sabrina. We look forward to following JT's progress. We pray for a successful completion. Love, Dad

  2. We will start praying ASAP. Let us know any other needs, as well. I live in the car and I pass you coming in and going out of the grove. Wendy Hawk

  3. I can't believe the big day is this close now either, Sabrina! JT will be carried through this just as he's been watched over all along the way from the start. Count me in as one of your pray-ers. Love, Susan

  4. (I evidently chose an incorrect "profile" type, so I'm doing this again. No telling where it'll appear!) I can't believe the big day is this close now either, Sabrina! JT will be carried through this part just as he's been faithfully watched over from the start. Count me in as one of your pray-ers! Love, Susan Lewis

  5. This is a great way to keep up to date. We pray for all of you every night. Love, Tammy Jason, and Isaac

  6. May the Lord be with you all. Love Aunt Jackie and Uncle Jim

  7. as always, our thoughts and prayers are with your family.
    Jeff, Kelly, Tiana, and Alyssa LeBck
