Monday, March 15

Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

Time fly’s when you’re having fun right? We packed a lot into the week to see as many family and friends as possible before JT will be admitted to the hospital. We have the greatest group of friends and appreciate all they have done.

The beginning of the week was the final doctor meetings and consents. Wednesday, we enjoyed cupcakes with neighbors at our friend Lina’s house. On Thursday, our favorite hair dresser Gina @ Variations shaved his head. JT had always talked about having his friends at school sign it and although the Doctors thought the request was a little strange, the end result proved to be quite fun for him. I’ll upload some pictures if you missed them on Facebook. Friday night was dinner with our dear friends and second family to JT, The Allen’s. On Saturday, friends Mark & Kim Hawks treated us to a night at Big Canoe in the N. Georgia Mountains to chill and relax and forget! A special thank you to all of you who joined us this past week and especially to Simpson Middle School for making JT’s last day special, putting up with the autographing, the goody bags & gifts and throwing him an ice cream party. And to the Addison Elementary Teachers who put together the most awesome gift/activity box to take to the hospital!

Today has been a slow start to the surgical portion of the week. We woke at 5am to make it to the hospital by our appointed time of 7:45 to have the central line installed. Unfortunately there seems to be a lack of surgeons and more emergent cases than JT’s. Doesn’t make it any easier for a 13 year old hungry boy that can’t eat or drink before his procedure. We’re just happy his blood sugars (he’s Type 1 Diabetic) have remained stable. The anticipated surgery time has been moved to 2:00 and we have high hopes to be finished before rush hour when we drive home.  He'll be released tonight only to turn around and be admitted to the hospital tomorrow morning to begin treatment.

Until then, thank you all for your continued prayers, comments, cards, and signing the Facebook wall on the group “Pray for JT”!

xo Sabrina


  1. JT, and his family are in my prayers !! With God all things are possible...In Gods hands now...

  2. Can he have visitors yet? If so what hospital?

  3. JT is at CHOA at Egleston (near Emory). He probably won't be up to having visitors this week because the medicines will be making him pretty sick. Next week is the actual transplant and his immune system will be knocked out so he can't see anyone. After that, we will watch his blood counts come up and when he tells us he's ready I'll post and let you know. Thanks for thinking of him Taylor!

  4. Hi Sabrina and Jim,
    I am now a "follower" of JT's blog. I have read all the posts and am very impressed with your 'blogging skills'! I will continue to follow and will commit to praying on a daily basis for JT and everyone involved. We do not know what you are going through as parents, but can on imagine.
    Phil came in and I showed and told him of JT. The second he saw is picture, he said, "Wow, he looks just like Jim".
    Love, Cindy and Phil Ammons

  5. Sabrina, reading about all the wonderful things people did for and with the Webster family makes it so clear how invaluable faithful friends are. As people suggested to us, ask someone during this time to jot down the multitude of ways God takes care of each of you through other people. There's no comfort like knowing how much you're loved!(Jim, now we know what you would look like if you were to shave YOUR head!)Love, the Lewises

  6. I just want you to know I am thinking about you all, bunches.

    The common theme I keep reading in this blog and the thing I trully believe is that GOD is in charge here. That makes me feel better. You all are always in my prayers.

    Love ya, Ken, "T.C." and the boys

  7. Best of luck and prayers to you guys - remember to aim for the nurse if you need to barf!! (Just kidding!) He will hopefully be OK with all the new anti-nausea meds....Tell him that he's a winner and winners always come out on top! God Bless!!

  8. I love the signed head. What a sense of humor. I wish I had a magic wand and could make this all go away, however I am human so would probably mess it up. We'll keep praying and relay on God, I think he is better at this than me. Thinking of the whole family.

    Love, the Machens

  9. I am impressed with all the love and support from family and friends. And more important...this brave and beautiful kid. My name is Rebecca Schlaeger. I am Jackie MacKinnis' daughter in law. I pray all goes well for him.
