Monday, September 27

Test Results Are In...

At today’s appointment in the BMT Outpatient Clinic, we received the results from the first blood test to see if Sydney’s bone marrow was working yet. Drum roll please…

Sydney blood = 100% / JT blood = 0%

Woo hoo, awesome, grrrreat, yippee kay yii yaa, superb, hot diggity dog, extraordinary, sweeeeet, tremendous, fantastic, marvelous, wonderful, amazing, spectacular, fabulous, magnificent, splendid, cheerio, glorious, outstanding, terrific, excellent, fine & dandy, AND super dee duper!


  1. whoop de dooooo! are you dancing ? love and hugs, Aunt Jackie

  2. So awesome Sabrina!!! Hallelujah!! You all must be celebrating like crazy! How many more blood tests does he have to have before they declare him "in the clear"?
    So happy for you all! Will continue to pray!
    Blessings to you all!

  3. So, so, so happy! This is wonderful news. Kent and Debbie King

  4. YAY!!!! Awesome news! I am so happy for all of you! <3 Dianne Holt

  5. melitamcgrath@comcast.netSeptember 27, 2010 at 5:57 PM

    OMG that is such a GREAT news! Thank you God! I am so happy for him, for you all! Our God is a awesome God! Yes you all should celebrate big time! Love. God will continue blessing him and we will continue praying.

  6. Big, huge smile!!! Your children are heroic!

  7. This is wonderful news!! God is Good!!

  8. O YAY!! Hoorah for JT and Sydney! Superheroes!! =) Congratulations on the marvelous news!

  9. Sabrina - Haven't seen you much lately, but I am always thinking of your family and praying for what every mother prays for. So glad to hear this news!! Judy Allen

  10. We don't see esch other as much as we did when everyone was @ Addison, but we heard what you were all going through and have been praying for JT and everyone. Just got on facebook (which I rarely do) and saw Jane Rose's post that led me to this blog...I will be watching for more good news and continuing to pray for healing and strength. :)

  11. Sabrina, I just heard the miracle news! I am sitting here bawling like a baby. I didn't expect such an awesome anniversary present. LOL! WOW, WOW, WOW!! So happy to hear this...words just don't cut it. Your heart must be bursting. Tell JT and Sydney they are SO loved and I could never be as brave as either one of them. Love to all the Websters!!

  12. Fantastic!! What great kids you have!

  13. I am smiling from ear to ear . Best news I have heard in a long time and I am loving it. Can't imagine how and what you are feeling. Can't wait to see you and see thoses smiles on all your faces. Celebrate!!!!!
    The Machens

  14. I cautiously opened up your blog, optimistically hoping to read about an increase in Sydney's blood cells,and what I saw in great big letters and numbers was a thousand times better than thrilling! I can't even imagine how you all must feel. The prayers will continue, but right now I'm just saying, "Thank you, God!" Love, Susan

  15. Guess Msgr. is now "Father Healing Hands" :) So happy for you.

  16. That is such great news!!! It's amazing what prayer can do!!

    Pam S.

  17. What fabulous news!! Keep the prayers flowing!!
    Hugs to all of you! S.B.

  18. Sabrina-
    THAT is fantastic news! Thinking of you!

  19. What awesome news!!! Praise God and bless the Webster Family, especially JT!
