Friday, August 20

Glowing In The Dark

I’m not going to lie, radiation was rough. JT just finished up 3 days of twice-a-day total body radiation and has not escaped any of the side effects that go along with it. We would wake at 5:30 and travel the tunnels under Children’s to the Winship Cancer Center across the street for morning treatment and then again at various times in the afternoon for a second treatment.

He experienced nausea, burning & itching skin, metallic taste in his mouth, thickend mucous, and jaw pain. I'm happy to report that glowing in the dark was a hoax.  He has eaten very little over the past few days and has dropped a couple of pounds already, but the Doctors assured him he will not have to worry about the feeding tubes until after next Tuesday’s transplant. The nurses we’ve had so far have been great and are right there jumping on any discomfort with the wonders of modern medicine.

Despite everything, he still manages to crack a joke or make a witty comment to bring a smile to our faces. Right now he is resting quietly while Jim and I are anxiously waiting phase 2 – chemo – to begin bright and early at 6am tomorrow. Thank you all for your notes of encouragement on Facebook, email, cards, phone calls, the blog, etc.! Keep them coming, he will be getting a higher dose of chemo than the first transplant so we haven’t sailed through this yet!

xo Sabrina


  1. Lynn Dillion-GyurcsikAugust 20, 2010 at 8:53 PM

    Love and prayers from Ohio JT! We will be prayers for the Webster Family and may God's arm gently surround you this evening, tomorrow and always! Love you all! Lynn Dillion-Gyurcsik

  2. I am sending my guardian angel to watch over you all. Love and prayers, Aunt Jackie and Uncle Jim.

  3. JT, you are so awesome. So strong. Hang in there, bud. We are praying for you, praying for strength, peace, comfort...that God meets you wherever you are and holds you close. Sabrina...Mama bear, I pray that you get what you need to continue on as you have. Websters obviously come from strong stuff. Hope today brings you closer to victory over this. GO JT!!!!! GO WEBSTERS!!!
    Mariellen Jacobs

  4. I'm so sorry that J.T. is having to go through this, all of you for that matter. However they have to make him sick enough so that the bone marrow takes this time. I wonder where J. T gets his sense of humor. I am praying for the day when this all over and J.T. gets to go play like a real kid. We will be praying for you. Keep fighting JT. Everyone is on your side the most important is God. Sending Hugs and Love,
    The Machens
